With this build I plan on doing a full interior. On my 1st build, i did a partial interior including the transmission housing, seats,controls and turret basket etc. It turned out acceptable and looks pretty cool when looking though the hatches, but with this one I want to go all out.
I am not going for 100% accuracy, I am going for the "look" as its a daunting task to start with, and with so many variations it will be hard to duplicate 100%.
All interior build photos etc will be on this page so check back often for updates.
Interior instruments panel, and radio
interior escape hatch, seats and transmission section (scratch built)
View looking in, from the commanders hatch.......
Now on to this built. Like my first build I am going to be making the turret basket, the transmission section and all the bins and storage racks. A lot of the main parts I have opted to go with excellent parts from ECA.
Drivers & co drivers seats
Insterment panel
Escape Hatch
Transmission extension housing
Control levers
Rear firewall radiator section
So although there are a number of "bought parts", there is still a ton of scratch building to do.
1st on my list is the transmission housing. I didn't take a lot of photos of the build process but these pictures should give you an idea of what i have done. I started with a 3" diameter pvc pipe. Adding styrene and a paint can cap here is where I am currently at...Still more parts to add including casting material (as the housing is a cast part), brake controls, etc
To show size...looks about right, and once painted should look good sitting inside the tank next to the ECA parts.
More work has been done since the last update and the transmission housing is now complete. Or as complete as I can make it. I know its not 100% accurate, but once inside the tank it will do the job and look the part. Here are a few updated pictures of it.
primed and painted...
Some of the bolt detail...
It is amazing what a few bolt heads can do for the "look" of something like this...
April 12/2017
Some more progress on the interior. Here is the firewall or bulkhead -fighting compartment side. Still need painting and weathering to do before I glue it in place, but its about 90% done. I have included the plan I used to work from. Only thing I wish I had was a nice punch set for making round items...would have come in handy for knobs, dials and such. I did have to use a little creative licence due to size and making things fit...but once painted it will look the part.
Still deciding if I will detail the engine side (since I have no engine to go in there) its a lot of work for nothing if I can procure or make a suitable motor to sit in there a look the part.
Did some more work on the tank today. Painted the firewall and created the "little Joe" generator. It was my 1st attempt at making something like this and I am happy with the result. once painted it will look the part.
It took most of the afternoon to build this, amazing how much time these little projects take up...
25 April 2017
Sorry for the long delay in updating this blog. I have been neglecting the tank a bit as....One of the other things I do is commission builds (kits or Scratch builds) for vehicles and tanks. (so if you are looking for something ..hint hint).
Anyway, I have been commissioned to build a German Adler 13 armoured car. Its a pretty complicated scratch build as there is not a whole lot of information on it. I am currently working from a 1/35 scale model and scaling up. Here is what it looks like and where I am at in the build process...
Still have a long way to go but its getting there...a something a little different as well.
Anyway, back to the tank...
Before I start on commission project, I was able to get the controls, seats and floor completed. The seats still need to be glued to the sides of the hull, but that won't happen until I get the transmission housing/wall completed. Speaking of the transmission, after completing the 1st one, I realized its too big. So I had to make a second one...now the 1st one could still work and look good, I felt it was just a bit out of scale. Here are a few photos of the interior as of this date. Little Joe generator has been painted, rear firewall in place and painted and the hatch section for the ammo is done. Still have to run all the wires, dash, blowers transmission section etc etc...
Interior with 1st transmission build, using East Coast Armoury control kit, fantastic but complicated kit
The handles are fantastic and the whole thing moves like it should
Rear firewall, Little joe generator painted...
Interior section with ammo storage bins in place...coming along
More to follow....