Saturday 2 September 2017

Cromwell build update #3

Well hello again, just a quick update.  I was able to do a little more to the tank this week and was able to get all the wheels on it, including the axle caps, which i used brass screws to hold them in place, just like the real thing.  I have to admit, this tank is my favorite vehicle and build so far.  Its just a super cool looking tank and I am so happy with the way it has turned out.

Now the tracks are another story.  I am currently casting them as I write this but its going to be slow going as the mold i made can make 5 track links as a time.  As there are 125 links per side...thats 250 track links I need to cast.  So far I am averaging about 15 a day so if I calculated that right, it will take me about 16.6 days to finish.  That is only if I get a full 5 tracks each pull....

Update pictures....